BadPVP is an extension of the Fighter combat system made for Achaea. This system includes target management and group combat features and is made to work alongside Atul's Group Combat Package. It can technically work alongside any other Group Combat Package as well as long as it follows the same formatting method as Atul's package.
Atul's Formatting Expectations
In order for BadPVP to properly handle group combat and target calling, Targets must be called using these formats. On both formats, it does not matter if they feature a trailing period. The system works the same way regardless.
Single Target
(Party) Name Say/Says, "Target: Name"
Multiple Targets
(Party) Name Say/Says, "I have # targets: Name, Name, Name, Name"
The number is important here. We use that to validate the presented data. It must match the number of names.
Adding New Classes
If you want to add new Class Engines, please see the readme for Fighter, the Combat Engine being used in this system. This readme has detailed instructions for adding your own Class Engines and using them in combat.
Curing Systems Support
Currently we only support Legacy, however work is being made on an Orion port.